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“新空间”的好处和风险, where the commercialisation of the 空间 economy has led to a more affordable and accessible 空间 industry. 但是监管呢?? 

“新空间”, the commercialisation of the 空间 economy with the advent of private companies, has democratised the industry to allow greater innovation than ever before, but there is still an important role to play for nation states when it comes to funding and regulation.

So say the latest two guests of Dr 海伦 Sharman’s 零压力 podcast, a series of informal conversations with people on the cutting edge of science and technology, 由伦敦帝国理工学院和星际网赌导航公司支持.

海伦, 谁在1991年成为英国第一位宇航员, 采访《星际官方赌钱》中的两位著名演员, who are convinced of the benefits of the 空间 industry’s commercialisation: Professor 和y Koronios, CEO and Managing Director of the SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre, which is helping to boost 澳大利亚’s presence in the 空间 industry; and, 佩Laurila, Iceye的联合创始人兼首席战略官, a 芬兰-based microsatellite manufacturer that launched the world’s first Satellite Aperture Radar.


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“新空间让每个人都能参与进来. 它使太空民主化. That has led to unbridled innovation for 空间 products for the benefit of humankind,Koronios教授说, 引用车载卫星导航, more accurate weather forecasting and disaster management, mobile phone cameras and even powdered foods as innovations that have come from humankind’s embrace of 空间 technology.

给佩卡·劳里拉, “新空间”是关于“……创新的步伐越来越快”, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the 空间 industry.”

The main enablers of this new accessibility have been the huge advances in computational technology. “The miniaturisation of electronics and increasing computational and storage power of computers” have made it possible to lift reasonably inexpensive satellites into 空间, 科洛尼奥斯教授说. 事实上, the professor points out the simply staggering fact that there’s more computational power in our smart phones today than there was available for the Apollo 11 Moon 土地ing in 1969.

佩Laurila adds that these technological advances have enabled the “economies of scale” that continue to allow new players to enter a 空间 market that is fast becoming ‘colonised’ by private industry; so much so that in the US Elon Musk and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos have become the driving forces in 空间 exploration.

和 when it’s estimated that in little more than a decade new, 小型卫星的成本可能低至2美元,000 per kilo to launch in an industry projected to be worth USD 1.4 trillion, it’s clear that the days of the traditional 空间 industry are behind us.

Both experts expect this trend to continue as the market becomes more mature and businesses sustain themselves through the rising demand for satellite technology for communications, 分析甚至金融技术. Maturing technology and environmental risk management will also make credit, payment and insurance processes easier and cheaper which will lead to a more resilient New Space business.

The risks of New Space, and why states still have a role

Though Professor Koronios and 佩Laurila share an optimistic viewpoint of the benefits of New Space, 两家公司也都意识到了风险. 特别是, the same sorts of cybersecurity issues we see with terrestrial communications are possible in 空间 technology, especially if the current friendly and collaborative nature of the industry gives way to rogue actors.

“虽然这还不是一个大问题, 我们确实看到那里有越来越多的卫星, and we are beginning to see the same sorts of threats we see on Earth,和y Koronios说, 佩Laurila补充道, “你必须在某种程度上担心”, though he believes the best security practices we see on Earth will also apply here.

最终, 和y and Pekka agree that nations will still have an important role to play in the New Space economy: the former’s Cooperative Research Centre has benefited from 澳大利亚n Federal Government funding and state-level support, 以及Iceye的大部分R键&D has been backed by the Finnish Government and the European Union. Both believe that countries will also be important customers for private entities as the industry develops.

和, Koronios教授补充道, the many thousands of satellites that will head heavenward will need regulating, something which only countries and multinational organisations can do.

“When cars proliferated on our roads, we needed traffic rules. 否则就是混乱. It’s the same thing now with debris and other uses of 空间,他说, 他补充说,这需要“监管”, treaties and understandings for the benefit of everyone”.


这是伦敦帝国理工学院和星际网赌导航的第六期播客 零压力 series is available on most podcast platforms including Spotify, Google and Apple.

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