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作为微软混合现实项目值得信赖的合作伙伴, 星际网赌导航正在为各种硬件平台开发应用程序, 包括微软的全息透镜, an immersive mixed reality holographic headset that has far-reaching implications for user experience and training in both civilian and military arenas.

增强现实曾经是科幻电影里的东西, but it’s fast becoming an integral part of the training and user experience in a number of different fields. In 2016, Microsoft launched 全息透镜, a bold take on augmented (mixed) reality technology. 全息透镜使用多个传感器, advanced optics and holographic processing to display content that can be viewed in the physical world around you or to even simulate a virtual reality.

Saab was one of the first developers invited into Microsoft’s mixed reality programme. 在过去的几年里, 我们的团队设在阿德莱德, 澳大利亚, 一直致力于一系列开创性的培训, education and other complex 3D holographic applications that promise to revolutionise the user’s experience.

“We’re looking at how we can use 全息透镜 technology to improve situational awareness and user engagement,格雷厄姆·史密斯说。, 首席工程师, 星际网赌导航澳大利亚.

“它的潜力非常普遍, 我们正在研究它在健康领域的应用, 矿业和国防部门. It’s really looking at how the technology can be applied effectively to improve user engagement.”

The first system developed was the Sandbox battlefield visualisation app for the Royal 澳大利亚n 空气 Force, which shows 3D terrain with real-time interface into a combat management system. 多个用户可以看到并与地面单位互动, 船舶和飞机可视化航线, 传感器和武器区. Networking functions also allow shared battle planning for users in multiple locations. This brings an unprecedented level of intuitive situational awareness to battlefield commanders.

在此能力的基础上构建, the Saab team developed the InDepth™ app for a major mining company to display its gold mines in 3D. Saab’s InDepth™ is a 3D holographic visualisation and communication platform that allows multiple users to discuss, 规划并获得对资源站点数据的共同理解. It allows users to view and interact with their data in whatever way they wish. InDepth™ creates a shared holographic workspace allowing local and remote users to work collaboratively in a shared environment.

Using InDepth™ for visualising complex information in true 3D allows users to focus on decision making and maximising the value of their data and time. Saab has found that customers using InDepth™ have been able to understand their complex data quicker and make more informed business decisions. 我们的客户从中获益的例子包括:

  • Understanding the differences in the planned versus actual drill holes for blasting; and,
  • 识别地震资料解释中的错误.

Saab also uses the 全息透镜 as a primary tool at exhibitions and demonstrations, with high-resolution interactive 3D models of Saab products and systems, 从喷气式战斗机到潜艇. The team has also developed highly interactive operational scenarios where customers can remotely operate missiles and underwater vehicles to carry out, 例如, 一次地雷探测和清除行动.

Graham Smith is intrigued by the possibilities of the cooperation with Microsoft.

“It’s exciting in terms of the potential applications for this technology, 无论是在国防领域还是其他领域. 这项技术实际上是关于可能性的艺术, 最近的升级为进一步的应用打开了大门.”

“我们公司能参与这个项目真是太棒了. One of the reasons I came to Saab is our status as a successful company which delivers high quality with significant capabilities to our customers. When you look at the relationships we have with these other organisations, it’s a natural step to associate with strong partners such as Microsoft.”