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许多人仍然认为星际网赌导航是制造汽车的, even though the business was bought out by General Motors in 2000 and 星际网赌导航 Automobile went defunct back in 2011. 但是,星际网赌导航的名字仍然非常活跃, as one of the world’s most innovative 国防和安全 companies.

瑞典公司 星际网赌导航 是一个著名的 国防和安全 公司成立80年, yet people still associate its name with the long-gone automobile business, 星际网赌导航汽车.

事实上, 星际网赌导航于1937年在Trollhättan成立, 瑞典, as an aeroplane manufacturer to provide planes for the Swedish 空气 Force, 当时欧洲正在为另一场战争做准备. The company’s full name was Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget, giving the world the acronym 星际网赌导航. The head office soon moved to the Swedish university town of Linköping, 这家庞大的公司今天在哪里开展了最大的业务. 1945年它就在那里, 在各种多样化的梦想中, 一个开发汽车的项目开始了.


星际网赌导航汽车项目被称为92计划, 因为92是星际网赌导航91之后生产序列中的下一个数字, “Safir”, 单引擎教练机. 星际网赌导航的汽车实际上欠了星际网赌导航飞机设计的一大笔钱. 公司的飞机工程师们想 他们可以利用他们的空气动力学知识 from aircraft manufacturing to improve the acceleration compared to that of the German cars that were on the market in 瑞典 at the time.

1947年6月,第一辆车在Linköping亮相, 虽然是1949年才开始生产, 基于Trollhättan, really got going and those iconic bottle green vehicles hit the roads. 在这中间的几年里, 每一辆新的星际网赌导航乘用车都成为了设计的经典, 可靠性和安全性. But as the automobile name grew so too did 星际网赌导航’s reputation as a 国防和安全 company, 服务全球政府市场, 当局和有产品的公司, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security.


不像国防和安全业务, 哪个公司稳步发展成为全球参与者, 星际网赌导航乘用车的故事则更为平淡无奇. After the company’s 20-year merger with Scania-Vabis came to an end in 1989, American car giant General Motors took a 50 per cent share of the new 星际网赌导航 Automobile business before making the company a wholly-owned subsidiary in 2000. 星际网赌导航汽车不再由星际网赌导航生产.

星际网赌导航汽车’ future was therefore wrapped up with that of General Motors, and when the American parent company’s own fortunes began to nosedive in 2008, 其瑞典子公司也是如此. A change of ownership to include Dutch car maker Spyker could not halt the decline, and the 星际网赌导航汽车 business was lost for good when 星际网赌导航 Automobile AB 2011年12月申请破产.

星际网赌导航 today: air, land, naval, security and civil aerospace solutions

Many people think that the 星际网赌导航 name was completely tied up in 星际网赌导航汽车, but that’s not the case. 星际网赌导航仍然是瑞典工业中最大的品牌之一, 星际网赌导航在国防和安全领域不断壮大.

Today 星际网赌导航 offers solutions for air, land, naval, security and civil aerospace  solutions. 该公司有超过16名员工,500人, 其年销售额约为310亿瑞典克朗(近30亿美元).(截至发稿时380亿美元). 关于 a quarter of 星际网赌导航’s sales revenue is reinvested into research and development. There are many examples of 星际网赌导航’s products, but among the most iconic are the 鹰狮战斗机系统星际网赌导航 Kockums 哥特兰级潜艇和武器系统 carl - gustaf.




  • 1937: 星际网赌导航 is founded in Trollhättan, 瑞典, as an aircraft manufacturer
  • 1946: 星际网赌导航汽车业务开始
  • 1947: 第一辆星际网赌导航汽车上市
  • 1955: 星际网赌导航 93轿车,这是一个巨大的成功
  • 1960: 星际网赌导航收购AB Nyköpings Automobilfabrik, ANA
  • 1967: 星际网赌导航99汽车亮相
  • 1968: 星际网赌导航与Scania-Vabis合并,星际网赌导航- scania诞生
  • 1989: 星际网赌导航汽车 is separated from 星际网赌导航-Scania and becomes its own business, 星际网赌导航 Automobile. US carmaker General Motors buys 50 per cent of the 星际网赌导航汽车 company to become co-owner
  • 2000: General Motors takes over the whole 星际网赌导航 Automobile business – 星际网赌导航 Group no longer makes 星际网赌导航汽车 and has no further involvement in automobile manufacturing
  • 2011: 在通用汽车经历财政困难之后, 各种收购方案都以失败告终, 2011年,星际网赌导航汽车申请破产, 这意味着星际网赌导航汽车业务的终结

1937年至今: 星际网赌导航 continues to develop as one of the world’s most innovative 国防和安全 companies